It is a bit late to say that it is getting out of hands but today’s attacks on a university just made it impossible for me to keep quite anymore.
Before today maintaining this blog was an on/off thing for me but I just can’t stand our Government’s inability to tell US and its allies on their faces to stop supporting Indian & Israeli backed TTP (Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan), that we are not blind and can see what they are trying to achieve by supporting these factions and if this situation continues, Pakistan will stop its support, block their supply lines on which they are so heavily dependent upon in their war against the original lunatic but incorruptible Taliban.
It just not make any sense to target TTP terrorists on US’s demand when they are in fact being backed by US and are being helped by US in their unjust and un-Islamic war against Pakistan.
A very recent and clear example is the desertion of PAKTIKA province bordering South Waziristan as Pakistan Army launched a military offensive on Saturday. As Pakistan was preparing to launch a full-scale offensive, the US and NATO forces were quietly pulled out of Afghanistan’s PAKTIKA province that is situated on the Afghan side of South Waziristan.
Not just that they vacated more than half a dozen key security check posts to give a safe passage to TTP terrorists, even the drone attacks have stopped against terrorists when TTP are in the open and exposed and there are also reports of unmarked helicopters air lifting militants from TTP regions to safety of deep Afghan territory.
If these are not US or Indian or Israeli or UN helicopters, then who does these Helicopters belong to. Does TTP have helicopters too parked on Afghan bases?? It is now clear that as Pakistan army close in on the TTP bases, their secret patrons in CIA / RAW are scrambling to extricate them.
Also, I just can’t understand what Pakistani Armed Forces are waiting for, why are they not pressurizing our Govt. to take some sort of stance against all this nonsense. If US can attack its targets over the borders, why can’t we just blow up a couple of Indian consulates operating from Afghanistan, responsible for this grave headache? What could be the worst possible consequences? We will go into a war against India? India does not have the backbone to attack a nuclear capable Pakistan. Even US and Israel does not have that strong backbone as long as we are nuclear capable. We have missiles capable of striking deep inside India and as far as Israel and a single nuclear missile is enough to wipe complete Israel off the map and they know it as well, that is the reason they fear us.
I hope that People sitting at the helm of decision making could think of something else other than money for a while and if not of this nation just think about future of their children, where else would they be able to indulge in this inherited habit of corruption if Pakistan is there no more.
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